Why Worm Castings?
Worm castings are nature’s best organic fertilizer. Some call it "vermicast" or "vermicompost". And some simply call it plant superfood. They are naturally long lasting and provide slow release plant food. One application of worm castings will provide food for your plants up to 6 months, and in some cases, up to a year. This can be 3x longer than most chemical fertilizers.
100% organic
Proven to boost yields 3-5x
Won’t burn your plant’s like most chemical fertilizers
Lasts longer than chemical fertilizers
Provides natural soil aeration
Creates proper pH levels in your soil
Promotes healthy strong root systems
Provides beneficial microbes and fungi to promote plant and soil health
High in humic acid, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium - all released in the proper quantities throughout the year
Will remove and prevent harmful pathogens and pests
Retains more water than natural soil and potting mixes, which helps your plants absorb more nutrients, and ultimately saves on your water bill
Will remove heavy metals and toxins in your soil
Brings life back to your soil vs. chemical fertilizers that kills your soil's naturally occurring ecosystem
Pet and kid friendly
Great for the planet
What’s not to like?

The Plant Superfood
Worm castings are exploding with microorganism, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, fungi, essential minerals, and natural growth hormones. When you put worm castings into your soil, you are adding this entire ecosystem of beneficial biology into your soil - essentially adding life back to your soil. This biology will continue to populate your garden and turn your other organic matter into on-going fertilizer for your plants.
They are also extremely high in humic acid. Humic acid (among many other beneficial properties) improves and optimizes water and nutrient uptake. Worm castings retain more water than normal soil. This allows you to water your plants less, while keeping the ground temperature cooler. Studies have also shown that over time, worms and their castings can remove heavy metals and other toxins in soil which is especially helpful for areas that were former landfills, other contaminated areas, or your own home that had been treated with chemical fertilizers for years.

Reduce Waste. Increase Growth.
Next, the process of making worm castings is hugely beneficial to the planet. Worms eat organic waste that we inundate our landfills with. What's wrong with throwing my waste in the landfill you may ask? Isn't my organic waste biodegradable? Yes - organic waste in landfills is biodegradable, BUT the process of decomposition is an anaerobic process. When this waste turns anaerobic it releases mass amounts of methane gas - which is a powerful greenhouse gas, and a primary contributor to global warming. On the contrary, when worms eat organic waste, it is an aerobic process which produces zero gas. Well how bad is our landfill problem? Grocery stores throw away 43 billion pounds of organic waste every year. The typical 4 person household throws away 2,880 pounds of organic waste each year. So you could say it's a slightly ginormous problem.
Our goal is to partner with friends, family, local grocery stores, food banks, restaurants, and landscapers to recycle as much of their compostable waste as we’re able. Feeding it to our worms and turning it into the highest quality worm castings on the market.